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World Animal Day: What can you and your pet do at home?

Posted 9th Oct 2021

World Animal Day: What can you and your pet do at home?



These awareness days are important. They’re created in a way that means we see these days and are made aware of important topics that need to be shared to make a difference. Realistically, we can’t donate to every cause that comes up throughout the year, but we can raise awareness - hello blog article you’re reading right now! - by doing things that help encourage movement in the right direction for these causes. Here’s everything you need to know about this day along with the things you can do at home to make a difference:


The mission of World Animal Day is to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards worldwide! An incredible, but huge mission, one that is incredibly important. So the reason for this day is to keep the momentum up for change so animals get better care no matter where they are. Just because we have laws in the UK to help protect animals, pets and wildlife, it doesn’t mean that these laws or guidelines are abided by elsewhere on the globe.



If you missed our article a little while ago we talked about being Six months in: What effect has Brexit had on animal welfare and animal rights? If you care about animal welfare, this is an article you need to read!


So, with all this in mind, what can you and your pet do at home to help the organisers of World Animal Day spread the word and increase welfare standards for animals across the globe?


1. Get some inspiration and create an event

If you have the time and resources, putting together an event is the most significant impact you can have. Organising people to spread awareness through activities can be a really positive way to support this cause, and that can be done both online and offline! You can find some amazing ideas for individuals here: World Animal Day


2. Make your space wilder

If you have a corner of your garden that you don’t mind using, consider creating a wild space. This is where plants can grow freely and a beautiful habitat for insects and animals can be created. A space like this, or even just planting a single plant that will encourage butterflies to lay their eggs or one that’s bee-friendly will help in the bigger picture of strengthening our eco-systems.


3. The extra-long walk

Of course, treating your pet to a longer walk will please them no end (and is actually listed as a way to help spread awareness for this cause - win-win!) Maybe on this walk, you collect any litter you see on your way. This helps not just your pet and your neighbour’s pets from standing on or sniffing things that aren’t good for them, but will also help local wildlife who might get trapped, eat or be caused harm by litter. This is also a great activity for the whole family or getting friends involved!


World Animal Day is about the little animals and insects forming our important ecosystems all the way to some of the larger and not so pleasant topics on animal welfare. We want everyone to live on the planet in a healthy way and we hope our article sparks some inspiration to go out and help us spread awareness!


(If you’re unable to come up with an idea or use one of our ideas to spread awareness, feel free to share our article on social media to get the word out there and make a difference!)

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