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Why should we all be involved with Change a Pet’s Life day?

Posted 17th Jan 2021

Why should we all be involved with Change a Pet’s Life day?



If you’ve been following us for a while you’ll know how passionate we are about animal welfare, rescue shelters and giving animals the best care possible. We use our blog to talk about some hard-hitting topics but also enrichment, training and lots of other fun things! This post is especially important and really emphasises our ethos and what we’re really about; changing an animal’s life through adoption.


So, what is Change a Pet’s Life Day?


Every year on January 24th rescue shelters and organisations encourage adoption and education on animal welfare. This doesn’t mean that every year we’re expected to adopt an animal! But, it gives us a great opportunity to ask questions about adoption and there are so many other things we can do to help change an animals life for the better.


I already have a pet that I absolutely adore, how can I change another animal’s life?


Get Sharing


Whether you’ve adopted or not, you’ve got some experience in pet care. You’ve fallen down one or two unique pitfalls (we’ve all been there!) maybe from toilet training or a behavioural issue you weren’t anticipating. Sharing your knowledge and experience with others is a great way to show how achievable having a pet is to those who might be nervous about making the first step. Social media has given us all a great platform and there are very few people out there who can resist clicking on a cute animal photo!


Get Involved


This day isn’t just about the animals but those whose job it is to look after them. Rescue shelter staff and volunteers help more animals than most of us could imagine. They’re there for the spills, accidents, exercise, feeding, training and everything in between. Many of us may be jealous that they get to spend all day with animals but it’s not as easy as we’d like to think. Maybe a friend of yours works or volunteers and you could celebrate with them by buying them coffee? Maybe this is the calling you need to send that application and become a volunteer yourself? Maybe there’s a jar of change that’s been collecting for ages and today is the day to count it and send it as a donation?



Change the way you buy pet supplies


Our best suggestion for getting involved and making a difference all year round is changing the way you buy your pet food, toys and other supplies. At Pets of the People, we do things a little differently. We want to help shelters in a stable and secure way - and we’ve found a simple and effective way! Every time someone makes a purchase on our site, a donation goes to an animal shelter. It’s that simple.


So maybe today is the day you have a nosey through the site and help change a pet’s life today and many more in the future!


Check out our latest special bundles here!


Let us know how you get on and we’d love to hear your story!

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