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What would happen if our pets had thumbs?

Posted 2nd Mar 2021

What would happen if our pets had thumbs?



March 3rd is a day where, nationally, people consider what would happen if their pets had thumbs. It’s been considered (apparently at great length) that the limitations that our pets have from not having opposable thumbs are a disadvantage to them. Our initial thoughts were maybe this was a good thing so they couldn’t access their own treats and gorge themselves, but maybe we’re wrong.


So what could our animals do with thumbs?


Thumb games


Thumb wars were a playground activity on boring afternoons, but of your pet had thumbs you could have a thumb war on a rainy day.




If you had an argument with your pet they could unlock the door (now they have thumbs) and go into the street to hitchhike a lift.




While you’re at the shop your pet could text you to remind you to get treats.


Light a cigarette


Something we would rather they didn’t - they could light a cigarette with a match or lighter. This also means they could light a barbeque and cook themselves sausages.


Sign language


If they didn’t fancy texting us, they could learn sign language using their new thumbs to let us know they want treats... Although we’ve most likely learnt to sense when they want something nice.



Stopping a leak


They could aid us in stopping a leak by putting their thumb over it.


Putting their own leash on


With their new-found dexterity, they could clip their own lead on their collar.


Using a crayon


Maybe they’re artistically talented and now they can hold a crayon.


Peeling Fruit


For those partial to a little bit of banana, they’d be able to peel their own.


Wiping their feet


Muddy paws always happen, but at least now they could clean in between their own toes (and thumbs)


Using scissors


Maybe they want to be a collage artist instead or maybe they want to get into their treat packet - either way with thumbs they could use scissors (they could also use a can opener for tinned food!)


Thumbs up and thumbs down


They could let us know how they feel without barking or meowing.


Tying laces


If you’re having back pain, you could get them to tie your shoelaces for you.


Strum a guitar


They could attempt to play many musical instruments, but strumming a guitar might be the easiest choice.


Sarcastically mock us


By having a similar make-up as us, it gives our pet the opportunity to mock us in our daily activities - if you can’t picture what we’re saying here, think of a cat who would watch you and you know they’re judging you and would snigger about it with their friends later.



So in conclusion we have pros and cons. Our relationships with our pets are of mutual respect and love; we help each other out. But if they had thumbs they could do both good and things that might get them into trouble.


Head over to our Facebook and Instagram page to join the conversation of what you think your pet would do if they had thumbs.

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