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What happens when a pet gets diagnosed with obesity?

Posted 17th Oct 2021

What happens when a pet gets diagnosed with obesity?


The health and wellbeing of your pet is your top priority. Most owners tend to care more about their pet’s health than they do their own. But as pet owners, we often want to make our pets feel extra special and that can mean indulgent treats and little tidbits dropped from the table and kitchen when cooking. Unfortunately, this can lead to pet’s struggling with their weight and affecting their life satisfaction. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about pet obesity!



What causes obesity?


Just like humans, the cause of obesity in our pets is either eating too much or not getting enough exercise (often a combination of both!)


What prevents obesity?


A pet needs a healthy diet and adequate exercise to remain fit and at a consistently healthy weight. There are many options and combinations of diet for pets to help them stay healthy and it’s important that owners evaluate their pet’s diet regularly to make sure they’re getting what they need. It’s also crucial that pets get daily exercise, just like us!


How does a pet get diagnosed as obese?


The way a veterinarian will tell if your pet is overweight or obese is by looking at their overall weight and body fat percentage. An estimated guideline is that an animal 10-20% above their healthy bodyweight is considered overweight and if over 20% they are considered obese.



What risks does obesity in pets cause?


A pet that is obese has a shortened lifespan. They can also be more susceptible to various cancers, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, urinary bladder stones and anaesthetic complications because their hearts aren’t as healthy as they should be. There are also many other risks involved with being obese but it also affects the happiness of their life by it being made more difficult for them to move around.


Can it be something else?


Obesity in an animal can be an indicator of another disease. They could be suffering from hypothyroidism or Cushings. Both of these diseases relate to different glands (thyroid and adrenal) and cause the pet to put on excess weight. 


What do you do if your pet is diagnosed as overweight or obese?


A pet will need to have a different diet along with being encouraged to take more steps during their day. As they become fitter and can move more, activities will become easier and losing this extra weight will be less challenging.


You’ll need to consult with your vet if you believe your pet is overweight or obese. They will be able to explain what needs to be done to help your pet, rule out any other issues and put you on the right track to have them happy and healthy again.


We stock Fat Dog Slim a food specially formulated for dogs who need some help to lower their weight but also our treats and complete nutrition are all made in clean ways without extra sugars or things you don’t want your pet to have!


Always consult your vet when changing your pet’s diet and don’t hesitate to drop us a note if you need some help!



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