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Training, Exercising and Mental Stimulation for Puppies

Posted 27th Jul 2020

Training, Exercising and Mental Stimulation for Puppies



There are many different thoughts and ideas about what the best way to train a young dog is. Every trainer will have their own unique ways and practices for developing your puppy into your perfect household member.


There are hundreds of different sources of information from books, videos, groups, online communities to one on one training. It’s about what's best for you and your pet. 


When should you start training a puppy?


You’ll want to begin training your puppy as soon as they come into your home. This doesn’t mean formal training on their first day, but means encouraging them to use puppy pads rather than your carpet and taking them to your lawn to associate these things straight away. Ideally, if you can skip the puppy pads altogether, that’s even better for a lot of reasons. It will take some time and perseverance to train your pup to use the pads, so why not try training them to go outside from the off- rather than train them twice? Less confusing for your new puppy, less waste going into the environment by eliminating puppy pads and of course- less for you to buy each week!


Puppies have incredibly short attention spans. There is no issue in starting basic obedience training from 8 weeks, but it’s important to remember there’ll be something distracting and much more interesting to them after a few tries. By continuing your normal routine though and letting your puppy know what’s expected of them on a day to day basis, the best habits will form.


Why should you train a puppy?


Basic manners are important for all walks of life. By spending time training your puppy they will have a mentally enriched and physically fulfilled life. This will inevitably give them the greatest quality of life. Positive reinforcement is the best way to build good behaviours with your pet and this also creates a greater bond between you and them. Don not however fall into the ‘Treat trap’! Treats seem like the answer to all problems with a young pup- it’s the equivalent of giving your kids smarties every day in return for good behaviour. Of course- they will listen and obey on command when bribing them with food and treats, but how sustainable is that really? Do you really want to be carrying chopped up sausages and cheese around in your pocket for the next 10-15 years? I suspect not! Generally we find that treats used relentlessly by dog owners is to accommodate their own complacency and/or laziness in training their dog, as opposed to satisfying the dogs instincts (don’t forget prior to being domesticated, dogs did not have access to cheese flavored treats from a packet. Yet they still managed to function in a pack with a hierarchy of command!) The trick is to teach your new dog their position in your pack and this in itself will help with a lot of training and behaviour related issues. That however is a topic for another post!


We are not saying treats aren’t a great tool with your puppie’s training and certainly do play a big part in most people’s training methods. They should not however be the ‘go-to’ tool and ideally should be reserved as a ‘high value’ reward- and used sparingly. This way, the dog appreciates the reward more and does not come to expect it. Otherwise you may find it’s actually your dog commanding you to give them a treat instead! (Don’t worry, we’ve all been there) It also helps to reduce the risk of obesity which in itself can cause all kinds of complications later in life for your pooch- a lot of which are avoidable by being a little more conscious on what you’re feeding them at a young age.


Ultimately though, the main reason you should be training your puppy is for their well being. Bringing with it all kinds of physical and mental benefits, without doubt this is one of the single most important things a dog owner can do when they welcome a new dog home. We can also tell you from personal experience that the better you train your dog- the easier it is to maintain your own sanity levels…. trust me on that!


What is socialisation?


The socialisation period is between 3 and 17 weeks of age. This is the most crucial time for your puppy to learn how to react and interact with the world. That’s not to say you shouldn’t bother training if you rescue a dog of an older age, it may just take a little more time and patience. The patience however will all be worth it in the end for both you and your new four legged friend. Meeting other dogs is a crucial part of training so they understand social cues and how to act with others. Socialisation also refers to some things we might believe are trivial, but will help your dog throughout the rest of their life. These things include but are not limited to, everyday noises like sirens or banging doors, handling, wild and domesticated animal meetings, places like the vets or public areas and different people. However, each of these topics has many of their own sub-topics that need to be considered. 



Why is exercise so important?


Exercise is crucial for any dog. Just like all living creatures, physical activity reduces stress, anxiety and helps to keep everyone mentally stimulated and content. Not enough exercise won’t only be detrimental to your puppies weight but can also lead to unwanted behavioural issues. Boredom is one of the biggest causes for destructive behaviors. Exercise can help to keep dogs calm when you leave, making them less likely to develop anxiety problems. Think how you felt when lockdown was announced, I’m sure a small part of you felt anxious at not knowing when you might next get out for a meet up at the shops, or a swift beer at your local with friends? Dogs are no different and if not exercised on a daily basis, they will also begin to feel anxious and irritable. When they get anxious, irritable or bored (or even worse- all three), then your household will become an unhappy one, in turn making your new pup more stressed and so the cycle goes round! By exercising your pet, you help to break that cycle and so they will be more susceptible to training and have the best quality of life. Not to mention the added benefits to your own personal health by taking additional exercise and the bond you form with your dog by doing so is like no other. Your puppy will love you even more by taking some time out your day to get out for a mini adventure with them and make them centre of your world for just 30-60 minutes!


What does mental stimulation mean?


Mental stimulation is just as important as exercise. Letting your puppy sniff and explore new surroundings instinctively is a great starting point. There are many products on the market that can help to provide activities for mental stimulation however, 5 - 15 minutes of focused training a day is often enough. Their interaction with you will keep them occupied and thinking about what’s going on and what’s going to happen. This is also often enough to see young puppies fast asleep in the evening without a care in the world!


Every animal is unique, every trainer has their own methods and every new owner has to find out what works for them. These are popular queries that are important to the quality of your puppy’s life.


At Pets of the People we are pet owners. If you have any questions or need any help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If we can’t help, we’ll be more than happy to put you in contact with a trainer or veterinary practice local to you.

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