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Healthy Cat Tips & Tricks

Posted 20th Sep 2020

Healthy Cat Tips & Tricks




All animals have their own unique personalities. Cat’s, for their secrecy and determination to do their own thing, often shine very brightly in their own originality. The unwritten rule is they fall into three distinctive categories. The skittish, cautious and more reserved, the friendly and cuddly or the dominant, outgoing and fearless.


We all love to interact with any animal, but cats definitely hold a special place in all homes. Knowing their content hanging out on their own whilst you're at work and will look forward to you coming home to feed them and have a scratch behind the ear, is there any better feeling?


We’ve put together 5 tips and tricks for enriching your cat's life, aiding their mental health and having extra bonding time. Something for all and any personality type!


The App Store

The App store is a huge place and amongst this is specific games designed for cats. If you’re looking for a no mess game, try any of the multitude that are  available. From fish to mice, your screen creates a great place to paw and try to catch things!


Paper Play

You might have someone who already tears the newspaper up or the toilet roll, but these are great to play with. Can you imagine being a cat and entering a room filled with newspaper balls like a child's ball pit?

Paper bags are a whole new level too. Just tapping the outside of the bag is enough to risk having your fingers clawed to pieces.


The Laser Light

Who hasn’t directed the light from a watch face or phone screen across the floor for their cat to chase?

If you have a laser light pen (you can even buy mouse shaped ones!) and your cat loves to chase it, when they are’nt looking, place a treat in the room. When they’ve chased the light for a while stop and hover over the treat. They feel as though they’ve achieved catching their prey with the reward of a treat and this in turn is great stimulation for their mental health.


(Please be aware that if you have a dog in the house this game isn’t advised as it can cause behavioural issues with dogs -


The Cardboard Box

Is there a cat out there who isn’t going to investigate a cardboard box?

The possibilities are endless with cardboard boxes. Our favourite options are to cut holes in the box, the right size for paws and place a ball or a piece of rolled up tin foil for them to poke and prod around inside.


Our second favourite is to open up one side and roll a heat pad or hot water bottle in a blanket. Placing this inside creates a safe space for those kitties who are unsure about being too close to other humans and encourages them to be around the family more. It’s also great if it’s up high!


The Ball

Ping-pong ball. Never fails.


No matter their personality, there should be something here to light that little fire and create a great bonding experience for you and your cat. Cats are very solitary creatures but they do love attention and affection. It’s a great experience all round.

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