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5 Benefits of National Justice for Animals Week

Posted 22nd Feb 2021

5 Benefits of National Justice for Animals Week



“The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. The Animal Legal Defense Fund accomplishes this mission by filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal assistance and training to prosecutors to assure that animal abusers are held accountable for their crimes, supporting tough animal protection legislation and fighting legislation harmful to animals, and providing resources and opportunities to law students and professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law.”


From February 21st to the 27th the Animal Legal Defence Fund holds a week of awareness about crimes committed against animals. This includes recognition of cruelty, what laws are in place and what can be done to help prevent it. So what can we take from this in the UK? 




At the top of the list is education. There’s no possibility for change or the ability to safeguard animals if awareness isn’t brought to the issues. As important as it is for us to understand the systems in place to prosecute those who commit heinous crimes, it’s crucial we also educate ourselves on protection methods as well. This week brings us the opportunity to learn more about the things happening in the world that we would rather look away from and talk to others to spread awareness.


Taking Action

In educating ourselves we learn what we can do if we come across a welfare or cruelty problem. The Animal Legal Defense Fund advise looking up information about your local law - including familiarising yourself with the UK’s Animal welfare law and making yourself part of the plan so if something happens within your local community, action is taken.




Making a difference

If you’re reading the news about animals and you don’t feel enough is being done, start writing. If you feel an issue isn’t being dealt with in the correct way, email, handwrite or call the publication to find out why and what can be done from here. Similarly, if something is happening that feels unsavoury in your local area, write to your local news to draw attention to it.



Identify who your local officers are that deal with animal issues. How would you contact them if you needed to?


Build relationships with others in your community to protect the animals in your area - there’s neighbourhood watch, spring watch and now there should be pet watch!


Changing the record

The Animal Legal Defense Fund may be run by lawyers, but they’re bringing us information and knowledge to help change the treatment of animals. They’re making a difference in the US but we can learn a lot from what they’re doing. By applying some of their strategies and educating ourselves we can begin to change the issues in our local communities and beyond.


Our biggest benefit from their National Justice week is learning that more things can be done to make a difference to animal welfare across the world. We benefit from educating ourselves, taking action to ensure animals stay safe, making the difference in our local communities, connecting with like-minded people and effectively changing our level of awareness to make sure no animal is left behind.

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