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10 Top Hacks for Train your Dog Month that actually work!

Posted 24th Jan 2021

10 Top Hacks for Train your Dog Month that actually work!



We’ve all been there. The training has taken a back seat, there’s a habit that’s starting to become irritating or we’ve been joined by someone who’s manners aren’t as nice as they should be. January is train your dog month and if you haven’t started already or you’re beginning to struggle, we’ve put together the top 10 tips to bring the motivation and help you successfully continue!


Starting somewhere quiet

There are a million things going on in the world, from smells to movement, most of the time something is going to be much more interesting than you. Starting somewhere familiar inside makes it much easier for your dog to understand and focus on what you’re asking them to do. Similarly, don’t forget you can always come back here if communication is starting to waiver outside.


Remain consistent

Rome wasn’t built in a day and habits take a week or two to form. Set yourself and your dog a target of when and how often you train to keep consistency for success.


Patience is a virtue

If they’re not doing what you want, your frustration isn’t going to make it any better. They won’t understand what’s wrong and you’re session won’t be a success. It’s always best to leave a session early than to continue to a point that you’re not happy with.


Variety is the spice of life

Keeping minds active is an important factor in your dog’s wellbeing. Mix up your commands and locations to keep them working and interested!


Fun is the only way forward

If it isn’t fun, what’s the point? They aren’t going to care and you’ll not get your desired results. Make it a game. Enjoy the rewards!



The Internet can be the answer

Information on dog training is freely accessible across the internet. If something isn’t quite working the way you’re teaching, there’ll be someone out there who’s got a different approach. Google is your friend! Just remember though- the internet on the whole is not regulated and so there can be alot of bad advice out there aswell as good. Stick to recognised and recommended dog trainers, who advocate positive reward. Your dog should never feel scared or hurt when training, anything or anyone that tells you otherwise should be avoided. Training your dog should be something you both look forward to, enjoy and benefit from.


Keep it short and sweet

There’s nothing worse than being sat in a meeting that drags on. You know you haven’t listened for the last 20 minutes and you might be agreeing to something you don’t want to, but you aren’t bothered, you just want to go and do something else. Dog’s have a shorter attention span than us anyway - if they’re doing what you want them to, let them leave your session thinking about it. If you overdo it, the behaviour won’t be right and they won’t be interested next time.


Positive reinforcement

The only way you’ll get the behaviour you want is through positive reinforcement. Treats, a tennis ball or just lots of praise!


Timing is key  

Some people use clickers, some people are super fast. Your timing is everything to making sure your dog knows exactly what action you want from them.


Your confidence is as important as theirs

If you’re confident in what you're doing, your dog will feed off of this. You feel good, they feel good. You’re a team and don’t forget you’re working on a great relationship!


Training your dog to 'fit in' with your life and other commitments is not achieved overnight and can take weeks and months to get to where you both you and your dog are happy. Do not give up though, all dogs learn in different ways and at different speeds, so commitment, dedication and consistency are key. Like mot things, the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. The relationship you have with your dog will largely reflect how much time and efforr you put in. Fortunately for us humans, dogs are super loyal and generally quite easy pleased, so provided you make the effort, your dog will be more than happy to be your best friend!


Let us know if there are any tips we missed and how you get on in training your dog this month and all the months to come!



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